We Buy Cars For Cash
How It Works
- Call us. (310) 893-0162
- Answer some quick questions about the vehicle your selling ie; Year, Make, Model, Miles, Title & Registration Status, Mechanical and Cosmetic Condition.
- Based on the information you provide us we will determine a price we would be willing to pay for your car. Many times we can even beat other dealers offers within reason.
- We make an appointment to come and inspect your vehicle.
- After we check out your vehicle and a deal is made. We pay you on the spot. We'll help you fill out all the proper DMV paperwork, including the California Notice of Transfer Release of Liability. This process should take no more than 30 minutes.
- Our buyer removes the car after the payment and paperwork is complete or comes back within 24 hours with a driver to take the car away.
We Buy Cars With Check Engine Lights
Does Your car or truck have a check engine light that just won’t go out? You need a smog certificate to register your car, but you can’t get the damn check engine light problem fixed. Maybe you are just tired of fixing your used car? Don’t worry if your car runs and drives and doesn’t have major mechanical problems like ie. Transmission, Overheating or blown engine issues we’ll make you a cash offer. We do buy non running cars on a case-to-case basis. So If you’re ready to sell your car , but not ready for the hassle of selling it privately. Then Give Los Angeles Cash for Cars a call today.
Do you need help getting your vehicle ready for sale? Then please check out a few of our helpful Car Care Tips articles.